Manufacturing of frame-panel houses made of thermal wood. Thermal wood is a durable and natural material, protected from the influence of pests, rot, fungi and negative environmental factors. Dimensions and accessories upon request of the Customer.
The company LLC Termoobrobka produces molded products from thermally treated wood of different sizes and wood species. Decking, deck, front (planken). Components (lining, timber, lounger) for the sauna. Thermally modified beam for building houses and other objects.
We offer wood pellets (pellet)
Raw material 100% pine
Diameter 6 mm
Ash content up to 0,5%
Humidity up to 6,5%
Heat of combustion 4.73 kWh/kg
For industrial enterprises, warehouses, grain dryers, bakeries and other large customers we pack pellets in soft polypropylene containers (big-bags) of...