The formation of sapropel occurs under the influence of biochemical, microbiological and mechanical processes and is a complex organomineral complex of substances.
Sapropel allows you to maintain soil fertility for 3-5 years. It helps to cleanse the soil from pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, as well as fungi and nitrates. Sapropel enriches the depleted soil and makes it "work", resulting in the formation of a fertile layer.
Unlike peat or humus, sapropel contains more various organic substances, so it can rightfully be considered a universal fertilizer.
In the composition of sapropel, there are two main components that are in interaction with each other:
Organic part of sapropel
Humic substances - up to 40%
Bitumens — 3–11%
Amino acids, incl. irreplaceable
Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E)
Enzymes (protease, reductase, peroxidase, etc.)
Other biologically active components (antiseptics, hormones, growth stimulants, antibiotics)