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La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips

La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips
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La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 1 La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 2 La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 3 La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 4 La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 5 La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips - фото 6
Обновлено: 27 февраля 2019, 16:10 ID: 1688706
Цена по запросу
Grist, Sp. z o.o. Элк, PL
на Флагма с 27 августа 2018
Doroszenko Ludmila
trade Director


La Esmera snacks are characterized mainly by delicious taste, the best quality, variety of shapes and flavors - everyone will find something suitable for themselves! What is more, all the above features are enclosed in unique, eye-catching packages.
It is worth highlightning that all of these products are gluten-free and fried on sunflower oil only! Our snacks do not contain monosodium glutamate and are made with gmo-free raw materials.
We produce Private Labels for customers as well. Everything is done according to client's needs- seasoning, packagings' weights etc.

1. Bacon snacks
Made from corn flour. It means that they absorb much less fat and it is definitely a better choice compared to the current wheat and wheat-potato products available on the market (100g).

2. Broccoli snacks
Absolute novelty- snacks with high fibre content and 34% fresh broccoli puree (100g).

3. Sour cream & chives snacks
Snack in the shape of wavy oval with the taste of sour cream & chives (120g).

4. Straszki
Snacks in the shape of the cheerful ghosts. They will be loved not only by children! (100g)

5. Nachos in a Triangular shape:
-salted ( Vegan )

6. Nachos in an Oval shape:
-salted ( Vegan )

Feel free to contact me anytime.


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Grist, Sp. z o.o. Элк, PL
Работает на Флагма с 27 августа 2018
Doroszenko Ludmila
trade Director
Популярные производители в категории: Чипсы
Doroszenko Ludmila
Trade Director
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Написать сообщение
Grist, Sp. z o.o. Doroszenko Ludmila, Trade Director
La Esmera Nachos & snacks; Private Label chips
Цена по запросу ID: 1688706
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